1. A whole box of your favorite feminine hygiene products. (Assuming of course that you are a woman that needs these items.) For obvious reasons, you always want to have them on hand.
2. Change for the coke machine in a child safe container. The child safe container keeps little hands from walking away with a few of your hard collected quarters.

3. Neutrogina Norwegian Formula -This is my favorite hand lotion. It isn't smelly. It helps my nails grow very long. It's inexpensive and a tube lasts me almost the whole year.
4. Headache medicine I have recently found one that is an essential oil and you put it on the back of your neck. (It is smelly!) This last semester I had a headache that lasted 3 days. One of the teachers that I worked with asked if I wanted to try her essential oils. I thought it was all hocus-pocus, but at that point I was willing to try just about anything. I rolled the essential oils on the back of my neck and 20 minutes later my headache was gone. I went back to her and asked for the name.... doTERRA PastTense "tension blend." My point though is to have some headache medicine on hand.
5. A neutral blazer- Some classrooms are like ice. Some days the "important person from ______" is in the building and it's nice to be able to be more polished. I find that sweaters are soft and cuddly and some days a blazer helps you put on your "teacher face." My first black blazer I got from the Goodwill for $4. There is just something about a blazer that makes you look polished. It can work over a jeans and your school t-shirt or with a dress, or with slacks and a top. About the only thing my black blazer doesn't go with is brown and navy. (Not everything can be perfect.)
6. Disinfecting wipes (ie Clorox) - Children get sick often. Being able to wipe down those things that they have sneezed on will help you save those sick days to cash in at retirement.
7. Quality Tissues - The kids will share germs with you. I'm picky about my tissues. I don't want to have nose chafe.
8. Coffee Mug/Water glass with lid and a small bottle of dish soap. Stay hydrated for health. I once heard that teachers are the profession most likely to get a UTI.
I am not getting kick backs for mentioning the above products. These are tried and true products that I actually use and would recommend especially to my very best friends. You can always add to your list or take things away, but I find that I am a better teacher when I am comfortable. Find those things that you can't be comfortable without and have it on hand. You might like to chew gum or eat mints. What ever it is that you need make sure you have it to help you spend your teach time teaching your hearts out!
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