Sunday, January 19, 2014

"Almond Joy" No Bakes

Have I got the perfect way to ruin your new year's resolutions!

I somehow have ended the holiday season with 2 opened bags of candied coconut from all of the desserts and things I made in December, so I've been trying to come up with an idea of how to use up large quantities in a good way.  Today I made "Almond Joy" No Bakes.

I simply followed this recipe for no bake cookies and added one whole leftover bag of candied coconut (1 1/2 - 2 cups) to it when I was mixing in the peanut butter and vanilla.  I also used Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder.  While I followed the linked recipe and used peanut butter, I suppose that you could use almond butter if you have any on hand to get a more authentic "Almond Joy" taste.

Now if you are trying to stick to your guns and stay on target for some New Year's Resolution I recommend  taking them to work and pawning them off on co-workers.  Or better still, send them with your spouse so that you won't eat them!! They are "Super Yummy" to quote Miles.   

Now what to do with the other unopened bag of candied coconut...?  

1 comment:

  1. Toast it in the oven and use in baked goods, oatmeal, curries, etc. Or put that unopened bag in a ziploc and stick it in the freezer. It will keep pretty much forever.
